Media 2014 Interview [10.01.2014]
Was ist für gewöhnlich dein Lieblingskleidungsstil? Hast du einen Lieblingsstyle?
- Im Alltag bevorzuge ich Jeans, Sneakers und ein T-Shirt!

Hast du irgendwelche Lieblingsmarken und Designer?
- Dsquared2, D&G....Eigentlich ist die Marke nicht entscheidend für mich. Der Schlüssel des Aussehens ist der Sinn des Styles und des Geschmacks. Man kann teure Deisgnerkleidung tragen die dazu passenden teuren Accessoires und am Ende sind die Farben nicht harmonisch aufeinander abgestimmt.

Wie suchst du deine Kleidung aus? 
- Ich kaufe das was mir gefällt. Es muss praktisch und bequem sein. Außerdem muss es Qualität haben. Wenn ich beispielsweise spazieren oder einkaufen gehe, reicht mir eine Jeans und ein T-Shirt.

Suchst du deine Kleidung aus die im Trend sind oder suchst du dir Kleidung aus die einfach zu dir passen?
- Ich nehme das was mich überzeugt. Entweder mag ich es oder ich mag es nicht. Natürlich schaue ich auch danach was derzeit im Trend ist. Wenn ich die Chance habe das zu zeigen, dann mache ich es. Aber das ist nicht wirklich relevant für mich.

Was ist das beste Stück was du in deinem Kleiderschrank hast und warum?
- Meine Handtasche. Alles was ich brauche ist dort drin (lacht).

Was ist dein Ziel wenn du Schuhe erstellst? Welche Designer haben dich inspiriert?
- Inspiriert haben mich mehrere Trends und Designer. Ich liebe Christian Louboutin. Insbesonders da er Schuhe in meiner Größe (35) verkäuft. (lacht) Ich liebe fuchsrote Farben. Außerdem mag ich Schuhe von Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent und Dior.

Hat die Auswahl deiner Kleidung eine gewisse Auswirkung auf die Auswahl deiner Schuhe?
- Ich denke das liegt an dem tiefen Sinn welchen wir haben wenn wir uns für Kleidung entscheiden. Manchmal trägt man Dinge die nicht so gut aussehen und am Ende sehen sie an der Person toll aus.

Was sind die angesagtesten Schuhe für diesen Winter 2013 / 2014? Was ist dein Vorhaben für die nächste Frühlings-Sommer Kollektion 2014?
- Ich denke diesen Winter werden alle UGG's Stiefel tragen. Sie sind überzeugend, bequem und können sehr elegant mit der passenden Kleidung aussehen. Ich glaube Lederschuhe sind sehr im Trend. Ebenfalls wird meine Marke 'C&C Shoes by Julia Volkova' eine neue Kollektion im Frühjahr veröffentlichen. Wir suchen derzeit schon nach den passenden Farben, dem Material und Design.

Was ist das vorteilhafteste Aussehen für ein Mädchen nach deiner Meinung.
- Ich sage es noch einmal, dass es bei jeder einzelnen Person unterschiedlich ist. Alles hängt davon ab welche Wünsche die Person hat, basierend auf ihren Geschmack und was sie dabei fühlt. Ich denke jeder sollte auf sein Inneres hören und auf die Leute hören, welche einen am besten kennen.

Antenna - Telesem No.5 [22.01.2014]

When she became famous she was a teenager. Now the "little black" from t.A.T.u. is a Beautiful woman, actress, designer and mother of two children.
- I remember everything with t.A.T.u. and recently we were in St.Petersburg. We were on stage together like it before. It was very strange to wear the school clothes again. Everything seems to be like 12 years ago, but I'm completely different now. I'm adult. Victoria is 9 years old, Samir is 6 years old. And I have to be with them. Now I need to find a balance between with my family and my career. I try to spend all my free time with my children. Recently we returned from the Dominican Republic. We flew there for a week or two so the family can rest. I love it. But I don't want to take my children on tour. The whole days I've a busy shedule with meetings, interviews and performances. And where should be my children then? With a nanny in the hotel room? I prefer to let them at home with their grandparents.

And she made all by herself
- It turned out that Victoria generally grown up like me when I was younger. My Mom is actively involved in the education of her grandchildren. And that's fine, because the nanny is just a nanny. I'm the one who's doing all important decisions. And I don't have to push or insist. If I don't like something I say 'Mom, let's not do it like this.' She has her own perspective on education and I have my own. But most of all she says: "You are their mother - and you need to decide it. I'm just going to be close to the children."
In the family where I grew up there was never rage, scandals or my mom never beaten me. I think she even can't do this. I've always had a good relationship with my parents. They usually sat down with me and explained their opinion. There was no law. My Mom didn't like the fact that I was smoking and hung out somewhere else. They didn't allow me to wear make up. In the elevator I erased all the cosmetic from my face so they don't see me like this. Now I have my own children and although Vick still doesn't try to wear make up, I better understand my mother. Many of the things she did wasn't out of malice. It was just because she's was simply worried about me.

Daughter and son don't ask questions
- This is the family we have: I, grandmother, grandfather - my mom and dad and my kids. It surprises me that Victoria and Samir never askd about their fathers. Maybe it's a childhood memory? Victoria just saw her father for three months. In principle she knows who he is and she knows him by the pictures I showed her. But she never asked why he doesn't visit to us or where he is. Never. I never had to tell any stories. Only once I did it by myself. On my own initiative I've told her that her father and me parted and now he works hard and isn't so much in Moscow anymore. That's why he has no time to meet us. Same goes for Samir. When Parviz and me broke up Samir was only 18 months old. I'm not sure if a child at this age can remember all this. Since four years I don't live with Parviz anymore. Samir also knows that he has a father but never asks why he doesn't visit us.
My children are busy all the time - studies, making sports, they have me, their grandparents. So their dads aren't very necessary. But this is the way how it looks now. Maybe one day my daughter and my son want to communicate with their fathers when they grown up. I won't disturb them. I've no enmity with my former lovers. I never had any secrets. I never sued them not to require our apartment.

I don't want a man to support me
- My former lovers for me - passed by. Do I want to start all over again and get married? A husband to support me? I'm 28 years old and I think that at my age I won't sit at home, waiting for my husband and smoke a bamboo. This is stupid. This is generally not an option. I'm with a man as long he loves my children. And when the love to the children passed by you can be sure I won't no longer need and love him. I was at home for many years when I was with Parviz. I was in a golden cage. Probably there are people who like it. But not me.
When I finally broke up with him I felt the freedom. I wanted to go back on stage, wanted to have my audience, the fans. This is my world. I like that and I do it for myself. I need to earn this status but why not. For my career I recently launched my own line of shoes in collaboration with the Italian company C&C shoes by Julia Volkova - developing models to choose color and skin type .
I became the face of the line and receive a percentage of sales. And I always wanted to create shoes and clothing .
So combine business with pleasure. I have two children, I have to feed them, they need clothes and it is my responsibility in the first place because I'm a mother. I have no right just to sit there and do nothing. Maybe in 40 years I can finally calm down. I go out with my own grandchildren and I will calmly and peacefully educate them.

Ready for the wedding!
- But that doesn't mean I'm lonely and not happy. I have a man. I am in love. It's something more serious but I won't talk about that. So far my relationships were like - giving rings then I began to think 'Wait ..." - and in the end nothing turnd out. I was never officially married. Maybe now I have matured. Maybe just to walk up and ready for the responsibility that implies of living together with a man. Not like before, when the main thing was just me and my ambitions and not the open door calls family which is a big job. You need to understand and take care of the person you love. There are things that are unpleasant to me or him. Somehow there are always situations like to close the mouth and perceive it as much as he wants it. I think I'm ready for the wedding. And in the next two years something need to happen. I even thought about how my weeding could be like. Fly in a chartered plane with maximum of 50 people, with the closed people on a certain island and a small boutique hotel. Take a mule to perform the ceremony. I don't need a wedding to show everyone how I celebrate it and it don't need to be magnificently. But this is the future.
The past ... I do not regret anything. We all learn by our mistakes. We all have things where we are sorry for afterwards. On the other hand without our past we wouldn't be the persons who we are nowadays. Yes I've changed a lot. 12 years ago I didn't care what I do. I could take all my clothes off on stage and stay in bra and underwear. Now I don't do it because it looks bad. The nature of feminity appeared. I was a tomboy, I was wild and now I'm a woman.
KP.RU Interview [08.02.2014]
KP.RU: t.A.T.u. appeared before the opening of the Games, as well as their song sounded during the entry of russian team. We called the girls immediately after their performance to find out how it was! At this point just Julia and her children came for an interview.

Julia Volkova:
"I'll never forget all the emotions. We will never forget it when 40.000 people singing our song 'Nas ne dagoniat'. Everyone was shouting and waving. It was very cool. I can't describe this feeling in words. I personally didn't feel the excitement, nor any fear. It was nice to go on stage and present the song. It's 
like a reward we deserve. Before you can just see a sea of people, the president, athletes who will present their countries.

We've reached everything. We had lovely costumes which are made by Igor Gulyaev. The Olympics are very important for our country. It's in my memorie now and this happens just once in life. A lot of people from all over the world came and see what our country has to offer."

t.A.T.u. looked very impressive at the event. Igor Gulyaev - Odiz is the most fashionable designer of Russia was the one who has made the original outfits of Julia Volkova and Lena Katina.
KP.RU: How did your collaboration start?
Igor Gulyaev: "I met Julia at some event and our relationship grew into friendship. She began to chat with Lena. When the girls found out that they will participate in the opening of the Olympics Julia asked me if I want to collaborate with them and come up with some interesting images of t.A.T.u. For me it was certainly an interesting experience and I agreed. And what you've seen today was done by the hands of my fashion house."
KP.RU: How did you come up with outfits?
Igor Gulyaev: "I immediately told the girls that I'm creative and can come up with anything. We decided that Lena will wear a tie and Julia a butterfly. I introduced the main accessory of the Soviet period which is now very trendy - it's garrison cap. And I actually finished image. I think it turned out - sexy but not vulgar, noble and specialties. t.A.T.u. reached everything  and I felt incredible proud to see the pictures of the performance in China, Greece, Japan and the USA."

Press Conference Minsk [28.02.2014]

The singer of t.A.T.u. Julia Volkova arrived alone in Minsk. Recall that the second singer of the band - Elena Katina has published a online video where she announced the resignation of the controversial group "because of improper behavior of Julia". It would seem that everything is clear as day. 

Yesterday, before the concert in one of the clubs in Minsk Belarusian journalists asked if the group really split and what does Julia thinks about the videos. Julia replied briefly and clear
"Check the news! On 22nd February me and Lena returned from the shooting of the clip of our new song in Poland. Plus a radiostation recently launched our new song. And for the video ... I don't know how to comment on what ​​Lena has said in the video ... For me, everything is fine!"

It was obvious that Volkova was confused and didn't want to talk about her relationship with Lena. But the singer hasn't refused to give a half-hour interview with Belarusian representative at "Eurovision - 2014". Theo took the opportunity of his visit in Minsk to talk with Julia and decided to ask her about the "Eurovision", where «t.A.T.u.» managed to visit twice: In 2003 they represented Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest and took third place and in 2009 they performed as guest stars.

Once the singer took talk in the room Theo started his computer to show his performance in the final of

'Eurofesta'. Julia stared, sometimes with a mysteriously glance and Theo whispered in her ear: "Look! It's all about singing along to your song!"

"Well, what do you think?", the belarusian asked.

"There's something between Robert Miles and Ricky Martin. How do you call this style?"

"I call it "Know Style", Theo laughed.

"Stylish. You are currently here but I think that you can play more, I feel it. Well, it is necessary to put the dancers closer to you so they danced themselves and with you. Then will look harmonious. And generally it's worth it!" - rendered Julia.

"You did the "Eurovision" without expensive chips and special effects. As you can see it's the same in my room. Everything is as simple as possible..."

"Well, it was enough just to turn up on the scene when people 's eyes lighten up and smile. Everyone was waiting for kisses, passion ... "

"Do you think to get a lot of points for "Eurovision" contains the elements of the show?"

"Personally, I think that Eurovision is a political contest", said Volkova confidently. "Therefore, no matter how spectacular and expensive you have your performance - whether it is convenient to be in the next year to hold a competition in your country. Twice I convinced of this!"

"The participation of "t.A.T.u." in Eurovision has been associated with many scandalous stories. Do you think it's worth to have sort of alienating before the contest?"

"Neatly dosed", smiled the artist. "Some people understand this and call it scandalous and others - are offended. Moreover it is important to communicate without busting."

"Julia, I want to invite you to my party and entertain the cheesecake!"

" Do you want me to have 90-60-90 or 60-90-60?" -
joked Volkova. "No, thank you, I want to get some rest before the night concert. I don't feel so well today and even need to visit the local hospital. I still feel bad."

"You probably would be happy now to spent some time in bed and embrace a pillow, and not with some Theo, who asked about the "Eurovision"...

"Yes. Or with my kids. But with you is also good!"

Once the singer said goodbye to "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Theo was pleased about the conversation with Julia Volkova.

"When she told me that she didn't feel good I immediately understood why she was so reticent. Nevertheless, she immediately read the main thing - I'm very comfortable on the stage with this song because I don't play. It was great!"

Teleprogramma Magazine [10-16.03.2014] 

Heat.Ru Webarticle [07.03.2014]

After a long-awaited reunion, t.A.T.u. had never managed to find common ground. Differences between both teams arose last month, when Lena Katina recorded a video message explaining the conflict among her and Julia Volkova. Their problematic relationship has caused difficulties to existing arrangements for filming the "Love in Every Moment" music video which they needed to shoot on existing arrangements. 
The process is divided into two parts: Lena and Julia shoot their scenes from the clip separately. Rapper 'Legalize' who also takes part in the recording is inbetween the fight. The artist has to be removed in two shifts. Thus, along with Lena Katina the rapper began to record his part at 9am after having dinne. When Lena went in the studio Julia appeared to shoot the video. One week ago the duo returned from shooting a movie and a short clip from Krakow which turned out in the same way. In a conversation with Legalize told who also took part in the shooting of the video.


"It wasn't easy because of this unexpected conflict between the girls. Crews had to work in two shifts, from morning until night. Because the contention of the clip is broken: first comes Lena - recorded her part and then Julia - fulfills hers. They don't intersect together." In Krakow, they also lived separately?
"Yes, again because of this situation. To me it seems a little strange. It's this typical case from love to hate. - one step and vice versa. I hope that everything will be forgotten, specially because this song is about love - a step forward."

Lena Katina confirmed the words of Legalize: 
 "We had no contact in Krakow. After this encounter we don't communicate anymore. I know that Julia is now telling everyone that everything is ok and everything is just a PR move of me. However, I don't understand why she is saying it. She is lying to the fans and press. I don't want to delve into this situation. After what happened it's enough to break the relationship with this person. If I didn't how could I look in the mirror now? Who would I see in there? A person without dignity and self-esteem? I don't need this." If you have a conflict, what are you doing here now on the set? 
"We have been contracted before the incident. People who are engaged in the project have no relation to what happened.
Not to expose them to and not confined to a single moment. When everything is done I will finish with the obligations under the contract and finish this story."

Despite the arguments Julia Volkova still denies the existence of conflict.  

"Everything was ok in Krakow. We even walked together through the streets, with the whole crew. And Lena was included!" 

 Lena said that after your attacks she won't work with you anymore otherwise she would feel humiliated. 

"Yes, I'm generally a dangerous woman! I go out with knives, with guns! I kill people - didnt you know that?? I'm such a super criminal woman! God gave me two children. Just think about this. In life there are mental problems, but not me ..." 

This story is not a logical conclusion. You are contradicting yourself... 

"Everything is a different conclusion. Nobody knows what will happen to "t.A.T.u.". What will happen after the shooting is unknown."

Sovetskaya Belorussia №81 (24464) (Советская Белоруссия) Webarticle [30.04.2014] 

Stubborn baby Julia Volkova


Bright, charismatic , with an unforgettable voice and tough star character is always in the spotlight. No one is or can be like.
You can love or hate her. Men turn his neck, looking after her. Women want to be like her or they're jealous.
However, the attitude of Julia isn't apparently very concerned. She's a singer and actress. She plays in movies, writes songs, engaged in charity, has shop stores and is a single mother of two children.
I had the chance to meet the star.  In the mall I was behind my girlfriend, she certainly wanted to buy a pair of extravagant beautiful shoes. I lazily trailed after her, when there was an enthusiastic voice of my girlfriend:

she pressed the leopard heels  against her breast.
"Look!!", said my girlfriend. "See what?!" -  "Julia Volkova!"

I looked involuntarily around - very loudly she rejoiced. The brunette was at the end of the hall looked at us and smiled. It turned out it was really Julia Volkova, the co-owner of the brand of shoes in the store where we were. So we met her. In life the singer looked different than on the screen. Viewers are used to seeing the singer cocky and emotional, then she was calm and smiling. A young woman who knows her worth.

Julia, you have opened your own boutique? Why you have decided for shoes?
- I confess that I'm a fan of shoes. My favorite designer is Christian Louboutin. His work inspires me. I admire high platform heels since I'm a child.  Maybe because I'm small. I'm very demanding on the choice of shoes , ankle boots , sandals , sneakers and boots. Because for me it is important that the shoes aren't only spectacular but also convenient with high-quality. Unfortunately with all the variety it's not easy to find the right pair.
I remember the someone saying : "If you want to do it well - do it yourself!"
That's what I decided. Within six months, together with the Italian designers I developed the first collection. We discussed and agreed on the whole process - from material selection to form pads. As a result, at the end of last year I presented a  stylish collection.  The main features were very high heels with an impressive platform, an abundance of rhinestones , studs and leopard prints. Even ordinary sneakers with spikes managed to turn into something spectacular and stylish through the processing.
Incidentally, I drew even during the existence of t.A.T.u. the first sketch of fashionable boots.
However, I also shared my point of views on the clothes, taking part in the discussion of creating costumes for our clips.

You always get what you want. You become a musician, you thought about  trying to become a graphic designer - and now you have your own boutique. Is your daughter Victoria also interested in fashion?
 - Yes, I am stubborn since my childhood. If you wanted to learn to ride a bike, you 'll learn to teach myself and others. When I fell and hurt the knees, I stood up and tried it again.  It's in my nature. By the way , Victoria is similar to me in this case. She is now nine years old and she is already becoming a real girl. Previously, she didn't pay attention to clothes, could run all day in sweat pants, climbed trees , flew over yard , jumping and galloping. Now Vick asks to buy her skirts , dresses , spinning in front of a mirror. She shares secrets with me and told me when she likes someone. In this moment I'm thinking 'Well, what? A guy? She is only nine years old.' But then I remembered in this age I was the same, looking after boys.

Julia, is it true that your children didn't visit the kindergarten? Why?
 - Yes, it's really true. The reason is because I have painful memories when I was a child. My parents worked hard and needed to bring me there when no one was at home. I liked all the children but I remember I was looking out of the window when my mom leaves.  I waved to her and wanted to jump to her through the window! I don't want my children to feel something similar. That's why Victoria and Samir didn't go to the kindergarden. They had me, their grandmothers, my mother and nanny. When I'm in Moscow  I try to spend time with my son and daughter as much as possible because they need to communicate with me. Although, they have their own hobbies, of course. Victoria has been playing tennis for more than three years.  However, once she decided to quit the sport and go to "Neposedi". But a month later my daughter said that she didn't like the chorus and ear training. So she returned to the court again. I see that she doesn't like music at all. Samir swims  and is pretty well. He also doesn't show desire for singing and I'm glad it seems to me that the show business isn't a male occupation. I want to be friends with my children. I want them to trust me their secrets, sharing their joys and challenges. I want them to know they can come to me and trust me. That they're feeling well to tell me everything and vica versa. For example they immediately determine my mood. They understand if I'm tired or haven't slept  or when I'm angry. At such times, they try to be there to comfort me.
But it also happens that I raise my voice, though I don't like to do that. But this is an extreme case  if they absolutely don't listen or don't want to do their homeworks. Then I have to take tough measures to send them in different rooms, or turn off the TV for a while, take rheir phones.  But I never really yell at them and have certainly not raise a hand to them. For me it's enough to talk strictly with them. Samir and Vika listen to me and love me. And I'm proud of them and love them. They are my everything.

And the fathers of Victoria and Samir take part in the upbringing of children?
- No, but it does not mean that I forbid Pasha or Parviz to see their children. It just happened. We parted, the children remained with me. But if Vika or Samir want to communicate with their fathers, I won't forbid it. We are not enemies. I've nothing against my former lovers. Once I told Victoria about Pasha and showed some photographs. I've told her that we were a couple and then we parted. And now he works a lot, so he has no time to visit us.
So I won't lie to my children. When Pasha and me parted Viktoria was very young and can't remember it. Also Samir has no memories to his Dad. Although Samir knows that he has also a father, of course.

You have told that your mother spends time with her grandchildren. And do you have no arguments with her?
 - It happens sometimes. My mother is a strong-willed person. She wants everything to be as it says.  Even my father, without consulting him, don't take serious decisions.
But to me that doesn't happen.  I remind my beloved mother that I'm a mother too and I know what's right for my kids. Sometimes we even argue about it. She swears if the kids are doing something different, such as going to bed later. Sometimes she thinks I give too much freedom to my children but she knows that I am a responsible person and that she can rely on me. I don't want to raise children in greenhouses because life is sometimes very cruel. They should be able to take a punch. So I can tell them that I, for example, having a headache or that I'm in trouble at work. They should know that the world is different. And they also need to be ready for this. Interview [10.05.2014]
On Saturday 10th May 2014 Julia Volkova had a concert in a nightclub 'CUCKOO', Vladivostok.
After the concert the singer met with fans and gave autographs. She smiled openly and answered every question with ease and expressed her opinions about politics, religion, the Russian show business and motherhood.

Julia, I guess you've probably fed up already about the questions about "Tatu".  But the band broke up for the third time. What was the real reason for the break - up this time?
- In fact, we didn't broke up for three times.  In principle the group can't exist forever because we are growing. We aren the little two school girls anymore who are kissing and so on. We've a new stage, so to say... We had to suspend the project to start a solo career. Sometimes we combined with some projects, such as performance at the Olympics. But a continued cooperation was impossible -to many years have passed and that little world that once was between us doesnt' longer exist. That's why it's difficult to negotiate.

- But you're dealing with Lena Katina now?
- No, we had a fight ...

- Still, your duo was one of the most successful projects of the Russian show business. You had to work abroad.  In your opinion, how's the creativity there and how it is in Russia? Whether it is strongly in our country or different approach to professionally music?
- I think that in Russia there are is no show-business. We have a business where everyone wants to make money  but no one wants to invest anything.
See Beyonce's or rihanna's performance. They're immediately a visble level because the people are working. They collaborate with whole companies, investing power and making money.
You can just reach something in Russia when you're someone's wife or mistress, even if you can't sing... I find it difficult to judge the work. Of course there are talented people. For example, in the project of "The Voice". I'm very sorry that after the project they are not heard.
"Star Factory"; where is the majority of participants who completed the project?
There are just  a few units we hear about. But basically I think talented people won't have success, unfortunately. In our country we need looks, money , lovers, communication.

- So our  platform can succeed only way With lovers and relationships? 
- Yes ( thinking ) ... Only these criteria. A lot of those who have an amazing voice. I studied in a pop-jazz school. There was a mass of talented boys and girls  but they areall  not wanted. I think it is a matter of some bonds, agreements and money. Unfortunately.

   - What, in your opinion, are the disadvantages of popularity?
- The scene is my life. An integral part of it. There are no "burden" for me. I behave the same way on stage like in my privat life.

  - You have friends  from foreign artists and performers who you are communicate with? 
- I can't say that I have friends of the show business We all communicate, see each other on events... But there's no friendship.

   - The first clip of "t.A.T.u." was quite provocative. How did your family react?   
- First my parents didn't know about it. I shown my mom the clip just before the release.
I said: "Mom, look here! We have recorded the song and the clip."
How to take it? (laughs). She was silent for five minutes and said, "Well, I need to get used to it. " She actually reacted calmly. In general. I have very modern parents. Any ultimatums and quarrels that never happened. It's a job where I'm constantly experimenting.
My parents support me in everything. There are times where we've some discussions. But that's okay. We must listen to the adults.

- Why doesn't exist your first two english songs on your debut album? 
- Actually I have no album yet. I don't do this in a hurry. There are singles, which I periodically release . Why not included ... I don't even know if it was an experiment to a greater extent. I have a lot of tracks that I tried to write. I don't include them yet in my project. I was looking for my own style, looking for some songs. But I rarely carry them out because, basically the people who come to my concerts asking me to sing songs of t.A.T.u. But in any case, I'm working on repertoire.

  - Very successful was the duet with Dima Bilan. Is there still the thought to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest?
- As for the speech - it was a chance to take part, not to win.  We recorded the track and thought about to do it.  Now it is in the past because I believe that this contest is intended for novice artists. When the artist is known in the country and has already some sort of a status - what's the point to compete? And in general, it seems to me that this is a political contest.

-What are your plans for the future? 
- The line of shoes. I became a designer. Together with C&C  we plan to open stores in thirty regions of Russia. Yesterday I've opened one store in Blagoveshchensk. And soon will be the opening in Vladivostok. I'm also working on my voice because I had several surgeries on the vocal cords.

   - What happened? And how do you feel now? 
- Initially  the first surgery was in Moscow  but then the doctor did something wrong. The reason was the vocal load. I still can't sing at full capacity. As much as I wanted to record the album it's still so hard to sing for me. Though I still work and perform. And now we are trying to correct the mistakes of the surgery until the voice is back. But this is difficult.

   - I want to have to go back to the question of politics. Everyone knows the song "Yugoslavia" . What do you think about the situation  for example, in the Ukraine ? Or about what is happening in our country? I mean activists Pussy Riot.
- I generally try not to get into politics . I can say one thing - I am for peace. All that is happening now is very sad. We have only one earth. They are not two, not three. Just One! So you want some understanding. When people like that revolts it makes me sad. I hope that the situation there is normal and everything is well . People shouldn't suffer. Shouldn't kill other people.

   - Don't you like to include a message in your work to express your feelings?  
- We wrote the track  "Love in every moment " - this is our latest collaboration with Lena. Actually, there's the message. We are for love and peace .

- Now you have a producer?
- No, I'm alone . But I have a team. I don't want to be depend to anyone

- A little bit of something else. I respect your personal life - it is the fact and personal ... but when you have been together with Parviz Yasinov many media reported that you secretly got married and converted to Islam. Is that true?
- (Sighed) Where to start about this multi-faceted topic...
I have two children from different men but I was never officially married. What many have said that  I supposedly had a wedding in the Dominican Republic and that he gave me some kind of hotels (laughs). No. Nothing like that. I really adopted Islam but it has nothing to do with my personal life. This is due to an internal sensation that lived with me for many, many years. And in the end I come to this . And in general, I'm good in my personal life (smiles). True . I'm happy .
- You can often see a number of publications news that Muslim women condemn your behavior. How do you respond to such remarks?
- Yes , many people say that I am and for Islam there are opposites, I guess. Islam is simply different. There are different countries, regions. For example in Chechnya you can easily kill your wife - it is normal there.
And there is the East, where everything is more cultural. What I mostly like about this is their of understanding the own family which is very strong. Sisters, brothers , aunts , parents, children , nephews...  I wasn't obviously born somewhere in the UAE , where I planted it since childhood. I live in the modern world. I decided to this belief because it's my inner feeling. I love the East.

- And where did you convert to Islam?
- In Moscow.

- Your Children - Victoria and Samir plant your religious beliefs?
- Well , Victoria and Samir know about it. Victoria is a Christian. She always goes to church with the nanny. And Samir knows about their religion. Also, incidentally , goes to church . I am such a person. I believe that God is one. He's always here (pointing to her heart). Therefore I explain everything to my children about religions.

- Who spends the most time with your kids?
- I spend 24 hours with them. If I'm at work - nanny and my parents do. My mother is so active in terms of education, food, schools, lessons control. I do it too but my mother is more strict. She still "on the shelves ".  We live 5 minutes from each other.

- Well, the standard question ...
(interrupts)  Is it true that you're a lesbian? People asked me this so many times...(laughs).

  - Is it true?
- All happens in life. I can say that I like girls. I can have some kind of relationship  but don't wanna live together with a woman. This has never happened. Somehow I never had the situation before. Romance can happen periodically...

- Actually the standard question was Vladivostok. How do you like the public, the city?
- Initially, my stay in Beijing started with a trip to the camp "Ocean" (smiles). We were here with "Neposedy". I was 10 or 11 years old and everything was very cool. Still coming here a year ago for the Heilongjiang Festival.  But it was dark because we were in a heavy rain and unimaginable wind.
I had my night ride through the city to see something but everything was a blur. And this time he weather is great.
I've the feeling that everything is native. We've saw the bridges, photographed monuments... Everyone is kind. Especially, there are lovely people: calm and restrained - not arrogant. Because people in Moscow are spoiled ... money , girls.

- And on your concert?
- Everything is fine . During the first two songs, the audience was a bit squeezed. It reminded me slightly to Japan - just half an hour everyone filmed the performance on the phone  and then people relax. I have said that I'll come to you in July or August for the opening of C&C Shoes.  I'd like to have people been able to afford good shoes for a reasonable price. Personally, I think my tattoo on my leg emphasize the beautiful shoes.

 - Finally , how many tattoo's do you have? 
- (assuming aloud) Eight. I remember my mother yelled at me when I've made my first tattoo . Each of the tattoos have a meaning to me. They're not just simple pictures.
The last tattoo I've made recently made at the intimate place. You are going to laugh.
I've choosen the keys when I was in Riga. It's a funny story: we went to Jurmala with Dima Bilan. Dima is a very creative person and without music he's absolutely nothing.  He went to the store to buy their own keys and I went to a tattoo salon. In the last moment it thought about to add the piano which is traced by keys. When Dima joined me he said 'I bought the key' and I replied: "and I do myself the piano".
He laughed all the time and joked: "So can we take a couple of chords then?"
Well, there is a sense here - it's also a tool (pointing to the zone). I'm able to use men with it... which is very interesting by the way...( laughs). 

PLAYBOY Magazine [June Issue 2014]

"She's Left Alone" 
The member of t.A.T.u., Julia Volkova, does not believe that the duet will reunite. But, this is not a misfortune: Julia has already received her portion of universal fame. Now she has shot for Playboy.
At Playboy's request, the heroine in our cover, Julia Volkova, was interviewed with passion by the handsome and famous actor Konstantin Kryukov.

K: A question which worries everyone: did you have intimate relations with your t.A.T.u. colleague, Lena Katina?
J: No, I did not. We were friends since childhood, we performed together in Neposedi, hung out, held hands. Understand that for girls it is totally normal to hang out and hold hands just like it is to sleep in the same bed. This does not mean that we had something more.

K: Are you friends now?
J: We don't have a very good relationship. She moved to America and got married there. I stayed here. Plus there were some disputes in our creative work. We tried working together recently and released a single, but I suspect that this is where everything has ended. You know, we were together for a very long time, we had our own world. Then we parted and now putting back the pieces is impossible.

K: Your group is sort of a lesbian-icon. Tell me, did you have many honest approaches from girls?
J: I have had experiences with girls. Not with Lena, but with other girls- yes. I think our producer calculated everything very precisely: all teenagers want to try something new including sex. Clearly it was a pretty rough commercial move, but I think we helped many people in reality. People would come to our office and say, "Thank you for giving us the chance to feel like ourselves". Because the most terrible thing is to live with complexes. Once we took part in a love-parade in Moscow, which we barely escaped...

K: Hold on, Moscow held a love-parade?
J: Well, there was some event in 2008, I think, right on Tverskaya street. You cannot imagine how scary it was there- when they knocked some of the guys down and were jumping on their heads.

K: I shot a series called "It's Always Sunny In Moscow" where I play somewhat of a scoundrel. It is no secret that popular artists are constantly approached by rich scum with offers to spend the night with them in exchange for money. Have you ever gotten an offer along those lines?
J: I was recently flying from Kiev, actually during the time when it was forbidden for Russian men to enter Ukraine. The plane was full of these men who were turned around at the border. All drunk, of course. One of them sat down next to me and started talking, "What's your name, what are you doing tonight, let's get together...", and I said to him, "You have a ring on your finger", and he says, "So what, we are just going to have sex". I can't understand this- how can men have sex without love? And how do women do it for money or gifts? For a real man the most important thing should be winning over a women. Basically, all of this is unpleasant.

  K: Tell me, why did we not see your performance at the opening of the Olympics? It was said you would sing, but instead they showed something else...
J: We performed! We were on stage at the time, but they did not show it for some reason. Why- I do not know. It seems they got scared that we had a scandalous image. But, I am still very happy that I was able to be part of such a grand event. I think this happens once in a lifetime.

Credit Krugdoveriya Interview [18.06.2014]
Julia Volkova: "The less bureaucracy, the better!"

The major hit "Not Gonna Get Us" of the group t.A.T.u. was performed at the opening of the Olympics in Sochi. The band's songs sounded at the recent World Hockey Championship. Despite the unfading popularity, most of the time members of the group engaged in their own projects. 
What is the secret of success?

Julia Volkova: - You need to be confident, try to win, have the willpower and most importantly - a real desire. Without this, success will not happen. Maybe this is the secret.

They say, "the artist must be hungry." Do you agree?

Julia Volkova: - I think that the "artist" must have inspiration first. Without it, you can't do aynthing. To be hungry or satiated ... it depends on human psychology.

How and when did you earn your first money? For what did you spent it?

Julia Volkova: - Like all girls I spent money on cosmetics and jewelry. But I can't remember what I spend for with my first fee in life.

Do you have situations in your life where you found yourself penniless?
Julia Volkova: - There was a case in Tokyo. I went to a restaurant to eat and when the bill came for some reason the bank card payment didn't work. A cash didn't work. The result of it was the administration found a way out of the restaurant to call the hotel where I stayed and recorded my debt in my room. Moreover they gave more money for a taxi so I could get there (laughs). Absolutely unique case.

And what for what do you spend money?
Julia Volkova: - I invest in creativity - writing songs, making videos, my business. I also don't leave unattended relatives.

Can you easily lose money?
Julia Volkova: - Yes! But it doesn't mean that I go to the casino and loose 30.000 $ per night. Everything must be justified. For what, where and how?

Do you prefer to live today or do you set money aside for something?
Julia Volkova: - By nature I'm a person with such a character who lives here and now. I try to squeeze out every day to the maximum. But I have some savings, of course.

They say it's better not to borrow money to friends. How do you refer to this statement?
Julia Volkova: - If a person really needs it, then I see no reason not to help. On that I've friends who help each other in difficult situations.

Do you use the services of banks? What is the service?
Julia Volkova: - Transfer money, pay for services using bank cards. Like everyone else.

How do you feel about your mortgage? For many families a real chance to improve their living conditions. And which way do you choose?
Julia Volkova: - To mortgage is a positive attitude. Everyone has their own capabilities and if this is the only opportunity to resolve the housing problem, then why not? For me I tend to rely on my own strength.

Sometimes it is enough just to have two documents in order to formalize the same mortgage. What kind of service you would gladly simplified and made more accessible?
Julia Volkova: - I believe that in any field it should be as simple as possible. The less bureaucracy, the better! This means that you have more freedom and comfort. That means also a faster development.

How do you follow the financial news? In the course of it that now through mobile applications you can pay for mobile communications, the Internet, transfer funds, open deposits and many other services? How about such facilities?
Julia Volkova: - I'm always in a positive attitude to innovative any approaches, because it is often convenient.  

"Money can't buy happiness" - do you agree with this expression?
Julia Volkova: - Money shouldn't be everything. But without it you can't build a comfortable life for yourself and your family. It's difficult to be happy when you're hungry, barefoot and without a roof over your head.

What would you choose: keep money on deposit in a bank or under your pillow?
Julia Volkova: - Neither. I propose to invest in my business.

Tell us about your future plans and projects.
Julia Volkova: - Now a lot of filming, concerts. I recently returned from the Cannes Film Festival where I presented the short film "Close, but far" under the "Stupid cupidy" series.
In spring clip we released "Love in every moment." I've also a lot of plans for my shoe line «C&C shoes by JV». Just recently I opened a store in Blagoveshchensk. We plan a network throughout Russia. At this stage, all at the level of negotiations as a franchise to sell this project. This fashion stores convenient a high-quality footwear. Each girl will be able to choose something that she will like.

Hello Magazine [September 2014 Issue]

Julia Volkova: "Now my son is the main and the only man in my life"

Julia Volkova's heart is free. But next to her is the one who is ready ro protect her heart - seven years old son Samir. Next to him daughter Viktoria. The singer devotes her full heart to her children the whole time.

It looks like a miniature of Julia who easily runs down the sidewalk. Hand in hand with her son Samir and daughter Vika. Hard to believe that she's the mother of the two children.
They go to school.
"We need some clothes, cupboards, backpacks and some pretty shoes," said 10 years old Viktoria very strict.
"I'm hungry, Mom" - Samir intervenes. Julia offers first go to a cafe to have some breakfast with her children.
They ordered bread and a cup of lemon tea with sugar and pours the bread into the hot tea.
"This is so you do not hurt me, and how will you go to school?" - she laughs.
Samir was looking at his mother and exclaims suddenly: "You colored? You hair is as dark as mine!"
It turned out the day before our meeting, Julia really changed the color of the hair, returning to the shade, which was in her times of t.A.T.u..
After finishing the tea party, we are moving to the Children's GUM, a school fair. And the kids ... disappear. Sometimes from different parts of the store you can hear their voices and laughter. While we were talking with Julia and choose clothes for Samir, he rides a bike through the ranks, who "found" in the store with toys.
A minute later he was on a scooter.
Viktoria was busy in the department with the dolls and carefully examines the long-legged fairies with pink hair.
"Guys, are you looking for some things for school? Go and look better for some notebooks!" - exclaims Julia. deliberately strictly.

Hello: 'Julia, how does it feel to be a mother of adult children?'
Julia: Sometimes I can't believe that I have already two children and they are so big. Viktoria went to the third grade, Samir the first grade. Time flies very quickly. They started a completely different time in life.
I don't need to take care of them the whole day - they are independent and very responsible persons. School - If we loved it or not - it was the best time. Having friends, first teachers, new experiences. This is a very interesting and important period.

Hello: 'And the children are ready for it?'
Julia: Of course. The whole last year Samir went to a training; in a so-called zero class. He thinks and writes and reads. Now everal times a week a tutor comes who teaches them Math, Russian, English and German languages. They're learning the language in a kind of high school.

Hello: 'And they're doing it all by themselves?'
Julia: When I'm home, I try to teach the lessons, read with them, to teach multiplication and poetry.

Hello: 'Are you a strict mom?'
Julia: Somehow yes but I don't hit them - I'm against it. But I can get mad. (laughs.) Because sometimes they do what they want. Today the children are focused on their iPhones and iPad and they don't need anything else. "Mom, do not touch it!" When there's time to do homeworks the kids immediately stop and start with it. I don't want that they don't communicate with me. The most of the time they agree with me. My son and daughter don't like to read, like all children. But they like everything else: writing, mathematics, languages.
Vika is a leader by nature, a perfectionist. She knows that if you want to get a good grade, you need to study a lot. Therefore she's always learning diligently in the lessons. She was one in five.

Hello: 'How do you support them?'
Julia: I never scold. Even if they suddenly got some bad marks. I explained that a bad score is not a tragedy, as long as they can fix it in the end of the year. In general, we have a full understanding. Children know that I work hard, I get tired and I don't have so much time. In addition they definitely understand that if they want to get some gifts, their behaviour should show me that they deserved it. Of course, if I'm going somewhere, then I'm buying candies and toys and clothing for them. But I believe that a child has some kind of "answer" - to make a surprises, crafts with their hands or a postcard.

Hello: 'And the children surprise you?'
Julia: They learn poems for mothering day, about 8th March, about the New Year. Or they have some small souvenir bear - "Mom, this is for you!" I think this model of relationship is based on mutual understanding and mutual - should be taught from an early age. And be sure to treat the child as a part of the society, if possible and appropriate to take them everywhere; in restaurants, at meetings, walks, celebrate holidays together. Then it is easier to adapt to everything, including their studies.

Hello: 'Julia, how was your study in school?'
Julia: I was good. I especially loved the humanities, but I had difficulty with math. Actually, for me my school years were most carefree time. No need to think about the issues of responsibility: all mom cook, wash, feed, and you only learn and get good grades.

Hello: 'Remembering the first clip of t.A.T.u. "Ya soshla s uma," in which you acted when you was 15 years old. It's difficult to imagine that you were good girl in school.'
Julia: Not really. In high school I began to heavily to use make up. At the entrance, on the way to school. The teacher always took me to the bathroom to wash off my makeup and then called my parents to say, "Do you like that Julia comes to school as if she would visit the disco!" My Mom was in shock, of course. I went out of the house like a decent girl. ( smiles.) But I had no problems in school. I had friends. However, I often needed to skip class, because I were constantly busy with "Neposedi" and I also participated in the filming of "Eralash."

Hello: 'Do you remember your first grade of September?'
Julia: Of course. I was very tanned, because we had just come from the sea and with a short bob hairstyle. In my whole childhood I had kinda short hairs because I got terribly headache of the braid and tails. My parents and my grandmother accompanied me. I remember that I was sociable, quickly found with all the language. My kids are the same. Though Samir a bit shy, but Vika immediately joins a group and starts chattering.

Hello: 'Did you notice any talents in your kids?'
Julia: Vika doesn't know what she wants to do. She played tennis for three years, and sang in "Neposedy" sang. She doesn't sing very much, especially in some classes. Now we have next - the daughter is going to be an actress, from September she will go to the theater club. Samir wants to swim, to football and hockey.

Hello: 'Julia, you've just returned from a tour in Ukraine, you write new songs, you're doing design for your own shoe brand. How to combinate the job with a caring mom?'
Julia: When I'm in Moscow I spend time with the kids. It's impossible to get to the party. We go swimming together, walking in the park, going in the cinema, shopping. Of course, I have assistants who are engaged in cooking and cleaning, but the products, for example, I always buy myself.

Hello: 'How to prepare for school?'
Julia: As usual, we've bought everything to the last minute. It has become more difficult to choose their clothes. They grew up and start to express their own preferences in what they want to wear and what they don't like.
In this regard, I'm pretty loyal: Vika buys beautiful dresses and shoes, and some make up is allowed; Mascara, a bit lipstick, different colors of nailpolish. But not for school. But for vacation - why not?
And Samir likes it when I put some wax in his hair. In general, he loves those Hipsters. (laughs.)

Hello: 'I remember you had a serious problem with voice operations on the ligaments. Now everything is in order?'
- Some days ago there was another operation - in Seoul earlier in Germany. All is not easy. But I still sing and record new songs. As soon as it becomes easier I start to record a solo album. I haven't decided yet on a style, I didn't find myself, but I think in the near future it will be clear. I also want to get in movies like "Casino" and "Basic Instinct" with Sharon Stone, or "9 ½ Weeks" with Kim Basinger. Right now I relax but I would love to have such roles.

Hello: 'How does your boyfriend react?'
Julia: I don't know. Now my heart is free. We'll see what will happen next. In the first place I have my children and a career. I don't think about anything else.

Tvoy Den  [22.09.2014]

Vintage #6 (73) 2014

Magazine Домашний [08.10.2014]

I love the house in order 

Домашний: Tell us about the equip of your home.
Julia: For me the main thing is that the house is clean, comfortable and cozy. I love the order. I like everything to be washed and things are lying in their places.

Домашний: How about repairings and upgrades of your home?
Julia: It happens that I want to buy something new for my home. Whether it's new a vase or furniture. But I'm not such a fan of spending so much money for that kind of things. Besides I'm getting very much used to the way of the interior things. As long as everything is functional and beautiful I don't want to change it.

There is no substitute to grandmother's place

Домашний: Means, you're a true citizen of the metropolis, in a village or do you like more the country and tinker in the garden?
Julia: I must say, I'm fine with what I own now. But when I was little I went often to my grandmother to the country, helped her in the garden, collecting sea buckthorn, gooseberry, currants...I like to think about such things from his past. Sure, all children like to be at home - it's nice and cool  but there is no substitute to grandmother's place.

Домашний: So instead of doing some vacation at the Maldives or Bali you will rest in a village?
Julia: I personally don't like the pathetic places where it's necessary to wear long dresses until the floor every night. I prefer to rest. Once I've been in Thailand where they all go out in shorts and T-shirts and enjoy life.

Kids look up to me

Домашний: Do you help the children to put things in order in the house?
Julia: Surelly! I think that children should be around to take an example from parents. I always try to show that they must be careful and economic. I always helped my mother in my childhood: she  vacuums - and I wash the dishes, she cleaned, I have swept. It's the same with my daughter and my son. I do the same.  I always teach them to order, ask them to wipe the dust or to put the dishes in the dishwasher. 

Домашний: Do you also cook? 
Julia: That's more complicated. I can't say that I like to cook and spend a lot of time behind the plate. Of course, if it is necessary I will do it. The kids have a nanny who is engaged in cooking. I trust her in this. And from house cleaning I only do it by mself. I had a lot of housekeepers but I don't need one bottle to another bottle, t shirt to t shirts. I like to do the most by my own, most everything: to clean, to rearrnge, to wash ... Surelly, a stranger will do just as well as you do. 

I'm a real fan of shoes

Домашний: Julia, you're an active sporty person who doesn't sit around and your children having also a mother? 
Julia:  I love going to the gym, like lifting weights, working with a barbell and all activities with 'iron'.  But I do not like aerobics. The children are busy too: Vika played tennis for three years, then she sung in 'Neposedi' but she didn't like it. Now she's looking for what to do. In September she is engaged in a theatrical school. Besides Samir is more into swimming and he's doing karate. It's enough for their age because children should enjoy their childhood and free time. And at school they have a a lot to do, plus two foreign languages. It's not necessary to harrass them.

Домашний: You have your own fashion line of shoes. And what kind of shoes and clothes do you wear offstage?
Julia: The most important criterion - convenience. I love the style "casual": Jeans, T-Shirt, Sneakers. And I never say never: I like to experiment and try different images. I'm a real fan of shoes. At home I've amy own shoe collection, sandals, boots and gumshoes. By the way, one year ago I presented my first own shoe collection: C&C Shoes by JV. So I acted also as a designer.  I released my spring summer collection now approaching the autumn-winter collection. It's pretty bright and bold and at the same time comfortable shoes. For girls and women. I opened some stores in russia where you can by my shoes.  

Домашний:  How often do you visit a beauty salon?
Julia: Sometimes to clean the face, different masks, some vitamins treatments...but I'm not fixated to visit a  salon every day because I believe that until the skin is young it is not necessary to add so much different creams, etc. most importantly - healthy eating regime of the day. 

Домашний: What do you think is the hardest thing what a relationship can destroy?
Julia: Lies and betrayal. It may sound corny but it's true. Because that's the most important thing in a relationship - sincerity, kindness, understanding. When you repeatedly cheat you can forgive. But deep inside builts up resentment and it becomes harder to trust again.

Домашний: And you are a trusting person?
Julia: Very much! I'm not hiding anything what is happening in my life, I share and tell my stories... unfortunately all this it not necessary. I can tell everything to my mother. Supposedly people treat you the way you treat them.  

Домашний: And what do you want?
Julia: I have all what I want: my boyfriend and my children. It's the greatest happiness in my life. And one more - my work. Of course, each of us has new goals and there's no limit of perfection. But I live today and I'm glad that there is a day. 

Interview of restaurant 'Oblaka' [10.10.2014]

'Polina' Magazine #9 [September 2014]

It is no exaggeration to say that Julia is on stage since her childhood. She was born in Moscow and is daughter of businessman Oleg Viktorovitch and Larissa Viktorovni Volkova. Julia graduated from the music school; as a part of children's vocal and instrumental group 'Neposedi' and was also a member of 'Erlasash'. When she was 14 years old she joined the group t.A.T.u..

Before you appeared in public with a sufficiently image. Are you still practice in this work between two chairs?

- I try to be in harmony with my inner world. An artist takes always longer to find themselves. I'm since 15 years on stage and of course I've changed myself. I'm mother of two children, I became a little bit calmer, more feminine, softer, and of course matured (laughs). Now I'm like this but the energy won't fade away. I only became older and wiser.

It seems that in life you don't get confused so fast and you're thinking more straight and see what's around you. Is it true?

- It seems so, when you want it and not your neighbours or someone you live with. I had always been for autorotation. Stand up for you doings and intentions. You should always have freedom and self-realization.

Can people tell and ask you something and changing your opinion to some of your plans? 

- Of course. I can listen to people who are close to me, I can talk with parents and I decide everything what my inner feeling is telling me and follow the intuition of my heart.

Honestly, would you be happy if anyone would try to change your own plans?

- Each person has to change, otherwise you won't develop. I have learnt it from my childhood. If you want to learn how to ride a bike, then you will learn it and even teaching others how to do it. You will fall, you will hurt your knees but you stand up and try again. It's in my character. By the way, Viktoria is similar like me in this case. She's now nine years old and she became a real girl. Before, she was completely oblivious with clothes, could run in sports trousers the whole day and climbing trees in the yard. And now she is asking me to buy her some skirts and dresses and then she's spinning in front of a mirror (laughs).

You're actively touring, you did participate in a movie and you've even released your own line of shoes. It seems you're very talented and thirsty for activity.

- I'm a quite creative person. I don't like to be calm. It gives me a great pleasure to have a creative process. I love to sing, to write poetry and sometimes I love to manifests myself as an actress. But about the shoes...that's another story. I love high platform heels. Since I'm a child I'm very small. Maybe that's why. I can be so demanding with the choice of boots, sandals and sneakers. That's why it's important for me that shoes are comfortable with a high quality. Unfortunately it's not easy to find the right pair of shoes with this requirement.
I remember the famous quote: "It's only good when you do it by yourself!" So I decided to do it. Within six months I was working with Italian designers and we developed the first collection.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

- When I'm on stage - I get a huge energy and love from the hall. It's a truly incomparable feeling. And in my free time when I spend time with my family. When I'm with them I'm really happy. It gives me wings to create more things and to move on.

If you wouldn't be a singer, who would you be?
- Hard to say. But I would be uniquely creative. Here is my design - a good example (laughs).

You were young (19 years old) when you gave birth to your daughter. A break of the group t.A.T.u. was necessary. Weren't you afraid that fans could forget you and it will be hard to come back into the show business?
- It was just a short break. It's normal in the west music industry when artists are locked in their studios to write a new album. It just happened all in the same time. When my daughter was born we were collecting already new material for our second album. Therefore we were back with new songs.

But in general. of what are you afraid of?
- Nothing! It's really hard to scare me.

Judging by the facts of your career you are a brave and self-sufficient. Or is it not like this?
- I do not judge myself

You left the father when your first child was born, also the relationship of your son's father didn't went well. Was it difficult to raise the childs? Did someone help you?

-- My mum and nannies. However, my mom is still actively involved in the education of the children. Sometimes she even curses when the kids staying awake for so long and going to bed so late (laughs). Sometimes we argue about the methods in education even though she knows that I'm a responsible person and that she can rely on me. If the kids don't really listen or don't wanna do their homework then I have to take tough measures to send them in different rooms or turn off the TV for a while, to take their mobile phones away. But I never shout at them, much less raise a hand against them. It is enough for me to talk to them strictly. Samir and Vika listen to me and I'm proud of them and love them. They're my everything. I don't want to raise children in greenhouses because life is sometimes very cruel. They should be able to take a punch. So I can tell them that I have a headache, or that I have a sore trouble at work. They should know that the world is different and that they're ready for it.

Viktoria and Samir probably don't see her mum so often or do you manage to spend enough time with your children? Can you tell what kind of relationship you have with them?

- I try to spend as much time as possible with them. We walk to muesums together or going in a park. I know I want to be friends with my children. I want them to trust me all their secrets, their joys and problems. I'm kind to them and they're feeling good with me. For example, they immediately determine my mood. They understand if I'm tired when I haven't sleep enough or when I'm angry. In such times they try to get closer to me and try to make me feel better.

Does your children show any musicial talent?

- They manifest themselves more in sport activity. Vika enjoys playing tennis and I think Samir soon will join a football club. And then - let's see...

Would you like that your daughter and son will chose a creative career?

- If they do, why not? Although it seems to me that Samir's world is far from creativity. He is very serious, thoughtful and when he's adult he wants to become a president (laughs).
Viktoria tried to be in the group 'Neposedy'. But she didnt' like it and decided to play tennis again.

They share all their secrets with you?

- Viktoria shares secrets with me and told me about a young boy. 'So what guy?' - I thought about it and remembered that I started to find my own interests in boys in the same age.

Once you have told that you've married your boyfriend. Tell us more...

I can only say that I'm in love...and the rest will remain as a mystery...

Are you the main character in a relationship? What kind of man is now close to you?

- I love when a man is man in every situation. When he is responsible for his actions and when his word can protect the family.

If you have one dream?
Maybe it sounds a bit kitschy... but I would like that each person can reach in life what you wish for, to find what makes you happy and that you keep on searching for it.

Gazetiere Interview [22.10.2014]

Gazetiere: Julia, hello! After all, we're not a professor, so let's just say "you"?
JV: Hello, hello! "You" is even better. I'm for it (laughs)!

Gazetiere: Rio - my dream! Tell me about your trip to Brazil! Was it possible to have your children with you and was there any time to taste all pleasures of Brazilian culture?
JV: In fact, we had a fab time. In general it was excellent to work with everyone. I didn't take the children with me but it was was great - incredibly cool, very cool parties! And the last night before flying back we went for a walk on Copacabana! You know, it's like a carnival! There were about millions of people, all went on this waterfront, walking, just happy, celebrating, playing different instruments and singing! In general, everything was cool! For me Brazil has left a very bright trail this summer!

Gazetiere: Damn, I'm jealous :) But was it possible to arrange a children's holiday? What type of vacation do they close?
JV: My children love to have vacation, of course! I arrange vacations twice a year. Then we go to the sea. Although, I can take Viktoria with me along some trips when I'm on tour because she is older. We have traveled to Japan, to Crimea and we visited many countries. Sometimes it is possible to take also Samir with me. However it is hard to combinate the work and my children.
Because usually I'm travelling for a day, two or three and I don't want to have my children with me in the airplane for such a short time. I prefer to take a long-awaited vacation for a week or two to fly somewhere near the sea with them...

Gazetiere: And do you love to go out of a habitual comfort zone and do what you are afraid of?
JV: Absolutely not! And why do I get out of the comfort zone, when I feel well? I'll stay where I'm feeling comfortable. Although, there are some extra-mal things: for example, sometimes I like to drive with the car on the 'board' (laughs). Sometimes I just want to go to the extreme!

Gazetiere: On the second returning to the theme of the World Championship "Not Gonna Get Us" was the motto of the Russian team. I wonder how the songs are able to remain relevant over the years ...
JV: The song does not get old, the song contraryyounger (laughs)!

Gazetiere: Yes, well.. after all is there a song in your repertoire which would be awkward to perform: Well, let's say you grew out of them? ..
JV: Of course, I didn't sing all the songs from the repertoire of "Tatu". Some of the songs that we played in 15 years I would never singing nowadays; such as "robot" or "Dochitai do sta." Because they don't meet some of my position in life. I grew up, the audience grew. In general, we are currently looking for some new tracks. I also had problems with the voice, transactions were conducted. And now we are starting to look for stuff for my solo career. I still need to sing songs of t.A.T.u. So I think that very soon you will hear new things!

Gazetiere: Yul, you released a collection of shoes. Just want to remember that Madonna, who released the shoes in the style of "disco", remember Fёrgi who becoming a mother released a shoe-line. What can describe your collection?
JV: I can not say that this is my personal line of shoes. There is a company «C&C» and I am speaking as a designer and a person of this company. Therefore, to say that this is my collection in the end would be wrong. Yes, I have to do with it. I'm experimenting because for me it's interesting. Like any other girl I love shoes in large quantities. So, my opinion is taken into account there, of course. We sit together, discuss and most importantly in any case is the creativitiy.

Gazetiere: And did you think about to have a own line of clothing or accessories?
JV: As for the clothes - yes, I think about this subject. But you know, to deal with everything at once it's impossible. To be a singer and do clothing is like to chase after two hares which you will not catch. But basically if you're doing it, you should bring it to the end! Without any excuses, "oh, did not go, oh, did not work." I am not that kind of person! Therefore, I don't really want to do everything in once.

Gazetiere: Yul, now every child is at the disposal of media, access to the Internet. Are you trying to protect their children from it so they won't find the 'yellow press' about you online?
JV: The fact my kids don't have time to read the yellow press. They are involved in the school. They have cell phones, of course. They have an iPad like any other modern children does - I don't forbid it. I noticed that some mothers do believe that children shouldn't watch TV or sit at the computer ... I think it's stupid, because the child can develop complexes, because it's living in a modern world. It seems to be wrong to forbid this modern world. It is clear that my children don't sit all day on the phone or computer. But we have certain hours in the day: school, homeowork, sportactivities, - and the half an hour they have they can play with their mobile phone or iPad.

Gazetiere: Then the question is: in your videoclips is a dominant theme of homosexual love. Are you children not asking about it? Or was there already an 'adult# conversation when questions arise?
JV: No, in that case there is no problem! You know Vika for example, she says often to me: "Mom, when I grow up I will have a girlfriend. I will sing and act together with her."

Gazetiere: Do you own something to teach their children?
JV: I think every day we learn something. In principle, that's life. There are days were we are forced to think about something, from which we get the experience. And I open the eyes for my kids, of course. That's life, it doesn't stand still...